Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Cancel Student Loans - For Your Own Good

Per CBO: Industry size in
Billions of Dollars.
Almost $1.4 TRILLION
In the United States, we are continuing to participate in an increasingly fraudulent system. We are continuing to benefit from continuing to entrap students in this growing bait-and-switch scheme. Therefore, until we repent and repair the system, we should at least mitigate the damage done to individual citizens sucked into the so-called 'student-loan' process.

Loan adjustments, forgiveness, or canceling could be more accurately viewed as a matter of victims' compensation. But consider this more self-interested motivation for the American majority: We would greatly improve our entire society's economic health. How? Because the primary beneficiaries of this profiteering are The Wall-Street-One-Percent. Restoring income to individuals results in better profits for Main Street businesses instead of bigger stock portfolios for Wall Street bankers. 

And moving money back to Main Street is foundational to funding our communities’ recovery.

So, whether we support it because it’s the right thing to do, or whether we support it because it’s simply better for local business and thus the more personally profitable thing to do, we should all support “student-loan” adjustments, forgiveness, or even canceling.


(As an officially "very-smart-person" duped into "student-loan" circumstances I cannot comprehend, much less control, I endorse this message.) 

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