Sunday, August 9, 2020

"Forgive us our trespasses...."


As a photographer, I have found myself on the back side of “No Trespassing” signs. Frankly, I saw them only when the landowner pointed them out. But I have also stepped a little too far down an embankment and ruined my pants while saving the camera. I have turned an ankle edging just past the sidewalk’s curb. I have looked at images I helped create, and deleted them when I found a bit more in the frame than I’d seen through the viewfinder. I have deleted images in which the subject’s expression was deemed embarrassing. I have shot dozens of exposures, trying to catch the right moment, angle, light, and pose…only to delete them all as being something less than the art I sought to capture.

And, by letting my reach exceed my grasp, choosing to explore beyond others’ boundaries, and releasing my fear just as surely as I released the shutter, I have experienced the fulfilling joy of being an artist privileged to look (occasionally) at an image that surpasses my vision, my imagination, and my abilities. But it has meant accepting that I sometimes tread onto property that has never been only mine. I cross lines into what others are sure should be only theirs. And I have paid for that privilege and accepted those consequences.

When did you last dare to try something you didn’t already know how to do? What prevents you from investing yourself into finding, fulfilling, and finding fulfillment in the unique, divine talents that have been invested in you? Who told you that you shouldn’t waste your time, risk your security, push your limits, and be your self? Where is the nearest boundary to cross? How would it feel for you to stand up, to step forth, and to walk boldly into showing the rest of us what you can do…what you can be…in fact, what you are?

Why not join me in exploring beyond the boundaries?

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